Bernadette’s Accoutrements
When Bernadette arrived in California, she brought a small wardrobe with her. This included the slip she's wearing in the photo above, as well as a corset and shoes with crocheted socks....
When Bernadette arrived in California, she brought a small wardrobe with her. This included the slip she's wearing in the photo above, as well as a corset and shoes with crocheted socks....
Bernadette is a Bleuette doll marked 6/0. I could spend hours discussing the history of Bleuette, but since this is Bernadette's official entry to the blog, I'll refer you to several outside...
Having been immersed in the world of Bleuette for so many years, it's hard for me to imagine someone not having heard of her. But of course that's a very self-centered way...
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It happens to every creative person, the getting lost thing. I know this. But that doesn't make it easier. I'm suffering from the emotional equivalent of stripped gears right now. All the...
If you find yourself curious about antique “flapper” dolls, you’re not alone. The current excitement over the release of an accurate reproduction of the 1469 head and body has got many of...
I recently discovered the word "paraphernalia" has an old, legal meaning, separate from how we normally use it. Back in the day when dowries were part of a marriage contract, a woman's...
Lydia is 14" tall and marked 1469 C1OD. I adore her long, lean lines and her exquisite presence. Even though she smokes like a chimney and mutters to herself in an unintelligible...
One of my favorite websites is Although their main goal is selling antique clothing, their photographs are detailed and often include that holy grail for costume historians - pictures of the...
During a recent conversation, a friend commented on the beautiful simplicity of Edwardian fashion. She's very lucky we were on the telephone or I might have had to hit her. I said,...
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