I’ve been many things in my life – a wife, a mother, a scientist, and a pattern maker to name a few. When it comes to sewing, the most important thing I’ve ever been is a daughter. Because it was my mother who taught me first and most well. I owe my love of sewing, and my steely determination to do everything perfectly, to her. From my father, I inherited a passion for history. And where those things intersect, I discovered the world of dolls.

I was once asked what kind of dolls I collect. The answer is this: I collect the dolls I dream of dressing. And now it’s time to do just that.

The many things I’ve been and done before have made me who I am right now – a chronically overcaffeinated woman with a touch of OCD and a love of red wine. What could possibly go wrong when such a person attempts to create hundreds of tiny, couture dresses? There’s only one honest answer: let’s find out.

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