Magic in Unlikely Places
How much must I hate myself? Let me count the ways . . . It would be funny, really, if not for the angst it causes. I'm speaking of that subconscious place...
How much must I hate myself? Let me count the ways . . . It would be funny, really, if not for the angst it causes. I'm speaking of that subconscious place...
If there were cones of shame for sewing, I'd definitely deserve one right now. Because I cheated - on purpose. And it's not the first time. The trouble is, I value historic...
It's never good for the morale of the doll room to focus entirely on one project. It probably goes without saying that dolls, by nature, become petulant when new dresses stop appearing....
It's hard to say which came first - my love affair with textiles or my descent into doll costuming mania. It's all a little bit blurry around the edges. However. What is...
Sometimes a project gets set aside because I can't find my way to making a key decision. This is such a project. And yet, with the time for wearing short sleeved cotton...
Maddie and I headed out to the garden this morning with high hopes of making something special happen. We had everything we needed - including a wonderful Manet poster to use for...
Maddie's red sprigged summer dress has been nicknamed "the cupcake dress", for obvious reasons. I had to explain to the girls what cupcakes are. Now they all want me to stop sewing...
You often hear the phrase, "the devil is in the details", which means imagining something wonderful is easier than actually making it happen. But - however benign this reference to satan may...
I need to get better at predicting how much fabric one of these enfantine dresses is going to take. Especially when ruffles are involved. Because what you see above is all that's...
Yesterday I spent seven hours cutting out one piece of Maddie's next dress. Clearly, my expectations that it would be finished by Monday were way off base. C'est la Vie. Sometimes, drafting...
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