Embroidered Silk Fabric Gold and Blue

Until recently, I’ve only daydreamed about the beautiful clothes my dolls will someday have. And while I’ve dreamt, I’ve filled a roomful of drawers with antique fabric. An entire apothecary cabinet has been taken over by so many antique trims, I’ve had to sort them into drawers by color. I’ve collected buttons and beads and laces and tiny antique hook and eye sets, along with all kinds of things that fall into the category “just in case.”

So why are my dolls still lying in drawers without a stitch of clothing to their names?

The truth is there are lots of reasons. But one of them is certainly my dread of facing reality.

The wardrobes I imagine are perfect in my mind’s eye. The real ones will not be.

Which brings us to 2021 – the year I’ll have a “big” birthday. The year I’ve realized if I don’t start sewing soon, I may never have time to finish.

I’ve arrived at that proverbial “now or never” moment.

How close can I come to capturing the perfection I picture in my head?

I guess it’s time to find out.

2 thoughts on “Now or Never

  1. I can completely ‘relate’ to your comments about ‘why’ my dolls also aren’t better dressed. Inspiration abounds – execution faulters.

    1. Always . . . but we must do it anyway. Our best effort is just that – our best. And that’s all we can ask of ourselves.

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