In all my years of sewing doll clothes, I’ve believed the common notion that hooks and thread eyes are the only “proper” way of closing up a dress.


I’m thrilled to say that’s incorrect. When I began researching dresses from the 1840’s, I quickly learned that the vast majority feature hooks and METAL eyes. Coincidentally, I recently stumbled upon THIS article, which dates the use of metal eyes to at least the 1400’s.

I would be remiss if I didn’t also give you a few links to one of my favorite websites. It’s basically a showcase for items of antique clothing owned by collectors. Some of them take better photos than others so you have to dig, but there are plenty of great views showing helpful construction details.

The links I’m sharing below are for specific dresses with views of hook and eye closures. Please note: if you click on one of these, your search bar will say the website isn’t secure. This just means they haven’t purchased an SSL certificate for protection when money is exchanged. Looking at the photos is free and safe.

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